Wouldn’t it be great if you knew how good a woman would be in bed before you ever get her out of the restaurant? We have all had those dates when we felt into her, whether she was your date, potential date or your buddy’s date, and just wondered what she was like between the […]
A cougar is a woman who digs younger men but that doesn’t mean she automatically forgets all she has learned of men as she’s grown up. Click Here: What Makes A Woman A Cougar. In fact, a cougar can probably tell you more about what a woman likes to see a man in than your […]
Cougars, Milf’s and hot moms have been adding up lately. Not only is it more acceptable than ever before but technological advancements make it easier than ever for women to stay looking phenomenal for longer. We know more about staying healthy and taking care of ourselves than we ever have before and you can see […]
So, you want to date a cougar, huh? No one can blame you. They are hot, independent and all the way through the game playing stage. It is hard not to want one if you get the opportunity, and that is a big IF. Like most men, you find yourself daydreaming about the boss’s hot […]
Men the world over look forward to the day they meet a cougar. It is a thought that enters our minds early. Maybe a hot teacher started the ball rolling or your best friend’s mom was a sexy flirt. Men do not trouble themselves with an age gap when we find someone sexually appealing and […]
Sex with a cougar is something every younger man wants. If you’re lucky enough to get it, it’s something you’ll never forget. But take it from an older and wiser gent like myself, if you don’t know what you’re doing you’ll blow it before you get a second date. Cougars aren’t your average type of […]
Younger men dating older women, or cougars, is more widely accepted than ever before. This social acceptance of something once thought to be taboo was a long, subtle process that emerged from a set of social circumstances that converged. Hollywood movies, best-selling novels and network television programming gradually began to show cougars in a good […]
So, your dating a married cougar? You, my friend, have your work cut out for you but you also have some mind-blowing rewards in store. It will be up to you to decide if it was all worth it in the end. My guess is a firm, yes. There is no way to talk yourself […]
It should come as no surprise that cougars are online dating just as women of any other age demographic. There are many websites dedicated only to cougars and their cubs. It isn’t a new phenomenon. Read about the popularity of cougar dating here. The Internet just took a while to catch up to it. The […]
The cougar is an almost mythical creature every man fantasizes about but almost none of us get to experience with any semblance of satisfaction. She is a lady of a certain age and means who has a sexual appetite for the younger man. Not just any older woman, oh no. A cougar is a woman […]