Searching for a casual sex partner is hard work. It cant just be any woman. It has to be the right women. Meaning a woman that fits the criteria for where you are in your life at that moment. A problem many men find themselves with with their casual sex partner is her wanting more. […]
Men get a bad rap for cheating. It’s a prominent theme in movies, TV shows, and celebrity gossip magazines. And, let’s face it, we do cheat a lot. However, we’re not the only ones having fun on the side. Studies show that lonely housewives step out on their marriages at least as often, and quite […]
Contrary to popular belief, women know exactly what they want when they enter an affair. Despite what you hoped, the chances are slim to none that you will find an affair partner by sweeping her off her feet with romance and charm. This is actually a good thing. An affair shouldn’t be about love and […]
Women who are happy in their marriage do not cheat. This is a fairly obvious fact but one that is often over looked. When an affair happens, something has went wrong in the marriage. That is not to say that they want to get a divorce. Quite the contrary in most cases. There are very […]
Regardless of your opinions on the whole 50 Shades of Grey Phenomenon, you’ve got to admit that it has awakened the passions of women of all ages. Never before has a work of fiction given rise to so many mature women talking openly about their sexual desires. And with all of that talk about desire, […]
There was once a time when the only place you met a lonely housewife or cougar was the produce aisle and PTA meeting. If you got lucky and her husband left on business, you might catch one at the corner bar. Those days are over, however, thanks to the onset of the Internet and the […]
There comes a time in a gentleman’s life where he’s been through the girlfriends and affairs and he realizes all he’s really looking for is the occasional good time. He’s decided he really does love his wife and the marriage has a lot going for it. Many married women feel similar. Some Cougars develop feelings […]